Friday, July 17, 2009

Try this, it's fun :)

Just recalled something at random. It was in 8th standard, and I got a chance to represent my then school in a supposedly Science Quiz. We had no Idea how big that event was (at least I didn't). Even more, we never thought we'd be winning it. Yes, we got the First Prize in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Science Quiz, way back in 1998.

Anyways. Coming to the fun part. I'm still not sure if this belongs to Science. We were asked to speak a tongue twister, and believe me it was fun. We were given 10 minutes to rehearse for it I guess, and you know what, I can still speak it quite fluently. Just try this, it'd be fun :)

Bitter bought a butter but the butter was bitter so he bought a better butter to make the bitter butter better butter

Do let me know how you fared :P


saveri said...
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saveri said...

My version of this tongue twister was
"Betty bought a bit of butter but the bit of butter was bitter so she bought another bit of butter to make the bitter butter better" :)